- Applied spectroscopy. Ingenta (1997)-. Chemistry Library: LN AP5 SP27.
- European journal of mass spectrometry.Chemistry Library: LN EU7 M372
- Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. ScienceDirect(1990-1994), ScienceDirect Web Editions (most recent 12 months.) Chem: LN J82 AM33 SO12.
- Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry : JAAS. Royal Society of Chemistry (1997-). Chemistry Library: LN J82 AN12
- Journal of biomolecular NMR. Chemistry Library: LN J82 B524. Kluwer Online (1997-).
- Journal of magnetic resonance. Chemistry Library: LN J82 M271.ScienceDirect (1997-).
- Journal of mass spectrometry : JMS. Chemistry Library: LN J82 M411.Wiley Interscience (1997-).
- Journal of molecular spectroscopy. Chemistry Library: LN J82 M73.ScienceDirect Web (most recent 12 months).
- Journal of quantitative spectroscopy & radiative transfer. Physics Library: LH 7J82 Q24.
- Mass spectrometry reviews. Chemistry Library: LN M37 SP34. Wiley Interscience (1997-).
- Progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Chemistry Library: LN P946 N88. ScienceDirect (1966-1994) ScienceDirect Web Editions (most recent 12 months.)
- Rapid communications in mass spectrometry : RCM. Chemistry Library: LN R18 C73. Wiley Interscience (1997-).
- Spectroscopy (Ottawa, Ont.). Chemistry Library: LN SP383 A1 OT8 (1982-1996). Academic Search Elite (1998-present. Most recent 3 months may not be available online.)
Selected Journals
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer
Journal, Elsevier (NL) [e]
Applied Spectroscopy
Journal of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy (USA) [e]
Applied Spectroscopy Reviews
An International Journal of Principles, Methods, and Applications; Taylor & Francis Group (UK) [e]
Journal, Wiley Interscience [e]
Journal of Applied Spectroscopy
Journal, Springer [e]
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy
... presents experimental and theoretical articles on all subjects relevant to molecular spectroscopy and its modern applications. Elsevier (NL) [e]
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy
Wiley Interscience [e]
Journal of Vibrational Spectroscopy
Online-Journal, IJVS (USA) [e]
Spectrochimica Acta
Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy; Elsevier (NL) [e]
An International Journal, IOS Press (NL) [e]
Magazine [e]
Spectroscopy Europe
Online-Magazin [e]
Spectroscopy Letters
An International Journal for Rapid Communication; Taylor & Francis Group (UK) [e]
Surface Science Spectra
An International Journal Devoted to Archiving Surface Science Spectra of Technological and Scientific Interest, AVS [e]Journals
- Journal of Mass Spectrometry
- Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 1987-1995
- Laser Physics Letters
- Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry
- Single Molecules
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