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Saturday, 5 April 2014

3,3-dimethyl-1-butene 3,3-二甲基-1-丁烯

Structure: structure

IUPAC Name: 3,3-dimethyl-1-butene

Analysis: C6H12: MW = 84.16

NMR Spectrum

The proton NMR has a singlet representing nine equivalent hydrogens (three -CH3 groups) and two highly split multiplets in the region  5 - 6 (the alkene region). The singlet strongly suggests the presence of a tert-butyl group (-C(CH3)3), while the multiplets suggest a terminal alkene ABC splitting pattern.




C-13 assignments

13C NMR Assignments:
C-13 NMR: q-30.6; s-45.2; d-149.3; t-108.5

The 13C spectrum contains four peaks; a quartet at  31, a weak singlet at  45, a doublet at  149 and a triplet at  108. The quartet most likely represents a relatively simple methyl group, bonded to a carbon, and the singlet most likely represents a carbon with no hydrogens, bonded to a mildly electronegative group. The doublet and triplet are in the alkene region; the triplet is somewhat shielded, perhaps due to a steric effect in the ©-position.


Mass Spectrum

Mass Spectrum Fragments: C-13 assignments
The mass spectrum consists of a molecular ion at 84, and a base peak at m-15 (m/e = 69) which is consistent with loss of a CH3 group. The spectrum is consistent with a simple molecule which can lose a methyl group to form a stable radical cation.


3400-3200 cm-1: no OH peak 3100 cm-1: sharp peak, suggesting unsaturated CH 2900 cm-1: strong peak suggesting saturated CH 2200 cm-1: no unsymmetrical triple bonds 1750 cm-1: no carbonyl 1650 cm-1: strong peak, suggesting a carbon-carbon double bond


Methyl Isopropyl Ketone


Structure: structure
IUPAC Name: 3-methyl-2-butanone
Analysis: C5H10O: MW = 86.13


NMR Spectrum

The proton NMR has a septet at  2.8 coupled to a doublet at  1.1, strongly suggesting the presence of an isopropyl group, and a singlet at  2.2 suggesting an isolated methyl group next to a mildly electronegative group (a carbonyl?).


13C NMR Assignments: C-13 assignments
C-13 NMR: q-22.0; q-16.7; d-45.2; s-210.2 
The 13C spectrum contains four peaks; quartets at  22 and 17, a doublet at  45, and a weak singlet at  210. The quartets most likely represent relatively simple methyl groups, the doublet most likely represents a carbon bonded to a mildly electronegative group and the singlet at  210 is in the carbonyl region, most likely a ketone or aldehyde.


Mass Spectrum

Mass Spectrum Fragments: C-13 assignments
The mass spectrum consists of a molecular ion at 86, an m-15 peak at 71, which is consistent with loss of a CH3 group, and a base peak at m-43 (m/e = 43) which suggests the formation of an acylium ion (CH3-CO). The spectrum is consistent with a molecule which can lose a methyl group, or can undergo fragmentation to form the acylium radical cation.


3400-3200 cm-1: no OH peak 3100 cm-1: no significant peak, suggesting no unsaturated CH 2900 cm-1: strong peak suggesting saturated CH 2200 cm-1: no unsymmetrical triple bonds 1710 cm-1: strong carbonyl, suggesting aldehyde or ketone 1650 cm-1: no significant peaks, suggesting no carbon-carbon double bonds




Map of vietnam country.

 Image result for vietnam




 dalat city



Butanone, also known as methyl ethyl ketone or MEK, is an organic compound with the formula CH3C(O)CH2CH3. This colorless liquid ketone has a sharp, sweet odor reminiscent of butterscotch and acetone. It is produced industrially on a large scale, and also occurs in trace amounts in nature. It is soluble in water and is commonly used as an industrial solvent


MW 72
First calculate the degree of unsaturation: the answer is 1. This means that the compound has four carbons and an oxygen, it can have a carbon-carbon double bond, a carbon-oxygen double bond - a carbonyl, or a ring.

IR Spectrum

A table of characteristic IR absorptions is available online: click on the link below. Note that this chart is also linked to in the frame to the left.
The IR spectrum for Example 1 is below. Since the degree of unsaturation indicates that the compound could have a carbonyl, let's look for that first, since carbonyl bands are strong and distinct. Carbonyls show up in the region 1760-1665, and specifically, saturated aliphatic ketone close to 1715. Sure enough, there is a band at 1718 indicating a saturated aliphatic ketone.

Think of possible structures

Now we know that the compound has a carbon-oxygen double bond, but there are still a few ways that this four-carbon molecule could be put together. Examples are below:
The second and third structures above are saturated aliphatic aldehydes, which show up at 1740-1720. While in the above IR spectrum the band at 1715 might be close to the range of saturated aliphatic aldehydes, an aldehyde would also show a distinct band for H-C=O stretch in the region 2830-2695, so it is not likely that it is one of these structures. That leaves the first compound, which is 2-butanone.

Proton NMR Spectrum

A table of characteristic NMR shifts is available online: click on the link below. Note that this chart is also linked to in the frame to the left.
  • Before you look at the NMR spectrum, think about what the spectrum of 2-butanone should look like. There are three different types of protons:
The 3 protons in green will be a singlet and show up from 2-2.7 ppm. The 2 protons in blue will be split to a quartet by the protons in red; they will show up from 2-2.7 ppm. They will be further downfield (have a higher ppm value) than the protons in green because they are shielded both by the carbonyl and by the red methyl group. The 3 red protons are the farthest from the carbonyl and are split into a triplet by the blue protons. Let's look at the NMR and see if this is what we see.
Sure enough, here is how they correlate with the structure:
Note the pattern of the ethyl group -CH2CH3 in the above NMR spectrum. Whenever you suspect an ethyl group in a molecule, look for a quartet of 3 protons and a triplet of 2 protons, with the methylene (-CH2-) group further downfield than the methyl group (-CH3).


Example 1 is 2-butanone: