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Sunday, 6 July 2014















  Although broad-band decoupled spectra are much simple, important information may be lost, that is the number of attached hydrogen atoms. A more advanced technique, off-resonance decoupling, can restore this information while still presenting an easily interpretation.
  In this technique, the sample is irradiated by a radio frequency generator which is either slightly upfield or downfield of normal proton resonances (i.e., off resonance). When off-resonance decoupling is used, the apparent coupling constant is greatly reduced, and peak overlap is minimized.
  Off-resonance spectra often show only singlets for each carbon atom, but the multiplicity of the peak is reported as a letter (s , d, t, or q) above the peak.

Example 1: The off-resonance proton-decoupled 13C NMR spectrum for ethyl phenylacetate

Example 2: 13C-NMR spectrum of diethyl phthalate

Advantages of Off-Resonance Spectra
       determine the number of types of carbon in a molecule
       clarify of the chemical shift
       retain multiplicities with reducing of J

Disadvantage of Off-Resonance Spectra
       if signals are closed, spectrum may be higher order and difficult to interpret

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Ethyl 3-oxohexanoate エチル=3-オキソヘキサノアテ NMR

Ethyl 3-oxohexanoate
Cas Number: 3249-68-1
Formula: C8H14O3
The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 44, p. 310, 1979 DOI: 10.1021/jo01316a039
Rule 2, omit O, gives C8H14
8 - 14/2 + 1 = 2 degrees of unsaturation.
Look for 2 pi bonds or aliphatic rings, or 1 of each.

Structure answer
NMR answer
Even though A, B, C and D are all 2H peaks, they can be distinguished by chemical shift and splitting. B is outside the normal range for protons next to carbonyls, because it's adjacent to both carbonyls and the combined deshielding is higher than normal.
The bands at 1745 and 1716 indicate that there are two carbonyls, probably an aliphatic ester and an aliphatic ketone. The bands at 3000-2850 indicate C-H alkane stretches.
H1 NMR Spectrum:Predict NMR spectrum


IR spectrum

The bands at 1745 and 1716 indicate that there are two carbonyls, probably an aliphatic ester and an aliphatic ketone. The bands at 3000-2850 indicate C-H alkane stretches.



Ethyl 3-oxohexanoate エチル=3-オキソヘキサノアテ NMR

Ethyl 3-oxohexanoate
Cas Number: 3249-68-1
Formula: C8H14O3
The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 44, p. 310, 1979 DOI: 10.1021/jo01316a039
Rule 2, omit O, gives C8H14
8 - 14/2 + 1 = 2 degrees of unsaturation.
Look for 2 pi bonds or aliphatic rings, or 1 of each.

Structure answer
NMR answer
Even though A, B, C and D are all 2H peaks, they can be distinguished by chemical shift and splitting. B is outside the normal range for protons next to carbonyls, because it's adjacent to both carbonyls and the combined deshielding is higher than normal.
The bands at 1745 and 1716 indicate that there are two carbonyls, probably an aliphatic ester and an aliphatic ketone. The bands at 3000-2850 indicate C-H alkane stretches.
H1 NMR Spectrum:Predict NMR spectrum


IR spectrum

The bands at 1745 and 1716 indicate that there are two carbonyls, probably an aliphatic ester and an aliphatic ketone. The bands at 3000-2850 indicate C-H alkane stretches.




When one nucleus is influenced by another nucleus with spin quantum number I0, the two nuclei are said to be coupled, both will show 2 lines instead of 1 line for each nucleus.


 The reason is that the field caused by Hx can be parallel or antiparallel so the Ha can experience not only the applied field but also combination of both fields.
 One signal absorbs at higher field (if Hx is parallel) and one signal absorbs at lower field (if Hx is antiparallel). The two lines are observed for each nucleus. This is called spin-spin splitting. The signal of Ha is split into 2 peaks (doublet) because there is spin-spin coupling between nonequivalent protons (Ha and Hx).

 In order to obtain the signals, the B0 will be adjusted to maintain the resonance conditions, either lower or higher field than without Hx.
 Each peak of the doublet has nearly equal area and is half in the absence of Hx because the population of Ha in the two spin states are nearly equal according to the Boltzmann Distribution.      - Since Ha and Hx is split by each other, the distance between 2 lines of both Ha and Hx signals is equal.      - If the two nuclei are only neighbors, then their signals are 2 lines (doublet).

 The number of line splitting can be depicted by using the following equation;
multiplicity  =  2nI + 1, where n is no. of neighboring protons.
n + 1
2H and 14N
2n + 1
3n + 1

Since the spin quantum no. (I) of 1H is 1/2, therefore,
multiplicity  =  2n + 1
Consider these examples,

Splitting patterns for a proton with 0, 1, 2, and 3 equivalent neighboring protons


The signal splitting in 1H-NMR spectra is usually small, ranging from fractions of a Hz to as much as 18 Hz, and is designated as J (referred to the coupling constant).

Coupling Constants (J)
        J  is the distance between peaks in a splitting signal

        the magnitude of J is
                  - dependent only on fields that are caused by magnetic atoms within a molecule but
                  - independent of the external field strength (B0)
The most common patterns that have been seen are doublet and triplet.
n = 1
n = 2

First-Order and Second-Order spectra
 Spectra that can be interpreted by using n+1 rule are said to be first-order spectraIn first-order spectra, the difference in chemical shifts (in Hz) between 2 groups of protons is large. When Dn/J  is large and we see first-order splitting, the system is said to be weakly coupled.
 In some spectra, using the n+1 rule is not enough, therefore, such advanced analysis may be required for interpreting spectraThese spectra are said to be second-order spectra. In second-order spectra, the difference in chemical shifts between 2 groups of protons is similar in magnitude to the JWhen Dn/J  is large and we see second-order splitting, the system is said to be strongly coupled.

Example of first-order spetra
        1. The ethyl acetate spectrum displays the typical quartet and triplet of a substituted ethyl group.

        2. The spectrum of 1,3-dichloropropane demonstrates the triplet (B) and the quintet (A).

Example of second-order spetra
If a given nucleus is spin-coupled to two or more sets of neighboring nuclei by different J values, the n+1 rule does not predict the entire splitting pattern. The spectra may be complicated due to the strong coupling.
These are some examples of more complicated spectra that can be 2nd order spectra.

Magnitude of Some Typical Coupling Constants